Make a donation

Fundraising is so important to the work of the Branch. It allows us to support local people living with MND, and their families, with the purchase of equipment, with transport, and to make other contributions for refurbishments, as well as make our contribution to the National Association’s research pot.
If you would like to make a donation direct to the Branch, please use our Just Giving page.
Donating through JustGiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It’s also the most efficient way to donate: the Branch gets your money faster and, if you’re a UK taxpayer, JustGiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation (minus a small fee to JustGiving). This means that for every £10 donated, we receive £11.92.

If you would prefer your donation went to the National Office of the MND Association, where your gift can help provide the essential services people with MND rely on every day, or even fund research projects to bring hope for a future without MND, please click on the ‘Make a Donation’ logo.

Fabulous Fundraisers
If you are interested in organising your own sponsored walk, overseas challenge, or any other fundraising event, please contact Richard Marriott, Regional Fundraiser London on 07872 161672 or by email at Alternatively contact Gay Watson of the North London Branch on 020 8352 2595 or by email at
Below are some of our fantastic fundraisers. Thank you to all of them and to everyone who has made donations.

Pat Randall
Pat Randall is a brilliant fundraiser, having completed the London Marathon and having climbed Kilimanjaro. 
Charlie Thomson’s Golf Challenge
Charlie Thomson and Tom Newman raised £5300 for the North London Branch by taking part in a ‘Golf Marathon’. 
Monster Marathon!
Jo Shaw undertook her first marathon in Scotland raising over £2,000 for the Branch. 
Jackie Hall
Jackie organised a sponsored walk in memory of her partner Matthew Byford.